How to Plant and Care For Daylilies

Planting: When planting your bare root Daylily, dig a hole deep and wide enough to accommodate the roots. Spread out the roots in the hole and place the plant so the crown – where the leaves meet the roots – is 1 in below the surface of the soil. Holding the crown of the plant, push soil into the hole, working soil around the roots. Firm the soil around the crown.

Light/Watering: Daylilies will grow in full sun in Houston with sufficient moisture. Plants grow well in partial shade, which is preferred for varieties with pastel flowers. Daylilies are drought-tolerant once established, but perform best with consistent moisture.

Fertilizer/Soil: These perennials prefer a well-drained soil, rich in organic matter to encourage profuse blooming, although many of the older hybrids will grow well even in a sandy situation. Fertilize lightly once the plants are established, but avoid using mixes high in nitrogen. A summer mulch is essential, as it will help soils retain moisture and buffer soil temperatures.

Pests/Diseases: Daylilies rank high on the list of plants resistant to insects and diseases. Thrips occasionally feed on buds or flowers, distorting the blooms and causing lesions on the flower spikes, which may then break at the affected area. Use insecticidal soap to discourage these tiny pests, and remove and destroy any infested buds or flowers. Spider mites can infest the foliage during hot, dry weather; wash them off with a forceful water spray regularly, or use an appropriate insecticide. Yellowing leaves and brown leaf tips may occur after flowering; regular grooming will keep plants looking fresh. If foliage becomes unsightly, cut it back to the ground, water well, and in time new foliage will appear.

Reflowering: Many reblooming varieties are now available; these require regular removal of old flowers to perform at their best. On all types of Daylilies, spent flowers should be snapped ff daily and the entire flower scape should be cut off after all buds have passed.

Dividing/Transplanting: Daylilies should be divided every 3 to 5 years, and repeat-bloomers every two years since new growth supports the re bloom. Two spading forks held back-to-back and pried apart makes this chore easy. Transplant anytime the soil is workable, watering well after planting in the new location.
End of Season Care: Simply remove old foliage by cutting back to the ground or pulling off.
Early Spring: Apply a light application of balance or slow-release fertilizer low in nitrogen or side-dress with compost and organic amendments when new growth appears. Divide or transplant as necessary, watering well afterwards.

Mid-Spring: Water well if it is unseasonably dry, as plants prefer evenly moist soil.

Late Spring: Remove spent flowers daily. Watch for flower thrips and treat accordingly.
Summer: Continue to deadhead as needed, and cut away flower scapes after all buds have opened. Groom plants by removing yellow or dead leaves. Supplement natural rainfall to provide an inch of water a week, and apply 2-3 inches of mulch around plants, keeping it an inch or so away from the crowns. Monitor plants for spider mites and spray if needed.

Fall: Remove old foliage by cutting back to the ground.

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