Warren's Southern Gardens

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Sod Webworms Treatment

Sod Webworm Damage in Kingwood, TX

Are Sod Webworms taking a bite out of your lawn?

Sod webworms are rampant across the Houston area right now and many customers have asked us how to permanently get rid of these pests. Not sure what sod webworms are or what trouble they might cause your lawn?

Take a walk across your yard near your flowerbeds during the day. If you see off-white moths that take flight and then settle back into your shrubs or sheltered areas, it’s probably sod webworm moths. It’s easy to assume that brown grass could be related to high temperatures instead of insects during the summer months; however, these pests can rapidly cause significant damage within days.  For professional identification, bring a 6”x6” grass sample (with 2” of attached soil) to our garden center and we will be happy to assist with a diagnosis.

Sob webworms life cycle: overwinter, pupate in late spring, and then adults emerge. Eggs are laid mid-summer, and two to three generations of sod webworms could be completed in a year. Adult moths don’t directly cause damage to lawns, but their offspring certainly take their toll. Larvae feed primarily at night, chewing off blades of grass. You can imagine the damage your lawn could sustain very quickly if the cycle isn’t broken.

These pests can be particularly difficult to get rid of and lawn damage occurs rapidly; therefore, if you’re seeing these moths in your lawn or suspect an infestation, immediate treatment is recommended for the best result of recovery.  If you’d like professional treatment through our Warren’s All-Ways Green program please contact our landscaping office at 281-354-7111 for more details.

To effectively treat Sodweb Worms yourself, Warren’s Southern Garden and Kingwood Garden Center both have treatment bundles available.  The treatment process is as follows:

Day 1:

  • Granular bifenthrin

  • Liquid bifenthrin or Cyonara (applied after granular helps water it in)

Day 3:

  • Liquid BT (Organic caterpillar & webworm control)

Day 7:

  • Liquid bifenthrin or Cyonara

Day 10:

  • Liquid BT (Organic caterpillar & webworm control)

Day 14:

  • Liquid bifenthrin or Cyonara

(Repeat full treatment as necessary)

We also recommend the following tips:

  • Spray in the late afternoon or evening when they are more active.

  • Spray every 7-10 days to break the egg cycle (multiple treatments).

  • Give your lawn an extra boost by applying Heirloom Soils of Texas Leaf Mold Compost in the damaged areas.

  • Spray with Medina HastaGro Lawn Fertilizer (or similar product recommended by our knowledgeable gardeners) to repair and restore your lawn.

Unfortunately, there are no conclusive ways to prevent sod webworms from invading your lawn.  They are aggressive pests and well suited for our region. For more helpful tips on sod webworms or to speak with our garden experts, stop by one of our Garden Centers or give us a call at 281-354-6111.